To see God’s financial blessings faithfully used to resource our gospel ministry.
- Retrieve the letterbox from the collection room at the start of the service
- Keep an eye on the letterbox after the service
- Count and record all giving after the service
- Give the deposit bag to the person who will bank it for us
- Just prior to the service beginning, retrieve the letterbox from the collection room and place it on the info table.
- Due to Covid restrictions, cash is to be placed in the letter box on the info table after the service
- After the service, stand nearby the letterbox to keep an eye on it for security.
- After most people have left, both team members enter the collection room to count and record all cash and cheques on the collection form
- Both team members should count to minimise any errors
- Once completed the combined giving needs to be placed in the bank deposit bag with it's own deposit information filled in.
- Jill Hull is now our primary cash banker with Tiana Hazlewood being backup in her absence
- Tiana will need to be on weeks that Jill is on counting so that the same person doesn't count and bank (as per Coast policy)