To ensure that both members and visitors receive a tangible expression of the welcome we have received in Christ at our gatherings
- Arrive at 330pm to:
- Set up the connect table with the letter box for collection and any connect resources [newish sheet, Connect with us QR-code poster, welcome packs, books]
- Put out bibles (or leave at table for people to take as needed)
- Make sure all signs are out (front car park and along path) and that they provide a clear ‘street to seat’ flow [if you were walking in for the first time, would you know where to go?]
- Pray with other welcomers:
- For opportunities to connect with new people
- For people to be encouraged and challenged by the message they will hear
- For people to feel welcomed and loved
Gate Welcomers: (1-2)
- Be at gate at 3:45
- Welcome people warmly & relationally as they arrive: Galatians 3:38 ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’
- Keep an eye out for visitors to:
- Be intentional about introducing them to someone who you think they can connect with [ie people in similar job fields, family dynamic, demographic, potential CG leader]
- Direct them to where the church building is
- Let them know about our kids program (kids start all-in during the first few songs, and then split off – sign in will be at the table as they walk in)
- Glean some helpful information about each visitor (name, local or tourist, who they know) and aim to connect them with someone appropriate during the service
Table Welcomers: (1)
- Be at table/door entrance at 3:45
- Welcome people warmly & relationally as they arrive: Romans 15:7 'Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God'
- Keep an eye out for visitors to:
- Encourage them to scan the ‘Connect with us’ QR code (it will take them to a form so that we can be in touch to follow up with them - https://coastec.wufoo.com/forms/im-new-here/) OR ask them to fill out a ‘connect’ card so that we can be in touch and have their basic info.
- Offer them a ‘New sheet’ [connect flyer in welcome box with helpful info about church and potential next steps for them]
- Ask the people you don’t know or recognise: ‘have you been before?’ This is a good opportunity to work out if they're a visitor and to get to know them a bit (and take mental notes so you can write it down later!) Or if they're a regular it's a chance to get to know their name - eg 'sorry, I recognise your face but I'm not sure I know your name. Have we met before?
- Direct parents with kids to sign their kids into kids church [have sign in sheet on welcome table]
- Try and gauge what people need - some need space and want to ‘search from the shadows’; others want you to hold their hand and give them directions.
- Make sure all visitors are being connected with (ie not standing alone)
- First 1 minute after the service is crucial - someone has to engage with them because if no-one speaks to them, they will leave
- Next 10 mins - gotta be warm / goal = take them food, get their name, encourage regulars to go and chat to them over arvo tea / or food break
- Take a plate of food around as a tool to meet people / like a host at a party!
- Before you leave:
- Mark the Coast Members Attendance sheet (tick those you saw walk in)
- Fill out the Visitor Sheet - adding any extra info you or other team members learnt about them (be very discreet abut this – try not to point at people)
- Give the sheets to Meg, or take photos and email to meg@coastec.net.au
- Letterbox - empty and give stuff to a staff member (Meg or Chris)
- Pack up Table
- Work with Roadeez team to bring banners and signs to hall (eg banners off carpark fence and front gate, A4 frames and tear drop banners)